“Any fool can make something complex – it takes a genius to make something simple” – Albert Einstein
Increased flexibility in all project phases, customer-oriented advances in the already extensive management functions, and optimized usability. Plunet BusinessManager 5.3 brings impressive, cutting-edge improvements and new features to all program areas. The bottom line: Plunet provides a complete solution for managing translation projects and operating translation companies and corporate translation services efficiently and professionally.
Intuitive navigation and clearly organized project management with Plunet 5.3: Superior performance and flexibility ensure that the system is always ready to meet the widest possible range of customer requirements. Plunet’s Product Management and Development departments are committed to getting the details right as well as delivering a product that gives users the guidance they need when they need it. The latest innovations at a glance:
- Lean user interface with a single mouse click: Plunet’s clear and well organized presentation of information and the flexibility of the items that appear in the quotes, orders, jobs and invoices areas have been improved significantly. All of these items can now be expanded and minimized as needed with a single mouse click. In this way, the project manager can control how much information is displayed and, if desired, see a much leaner view of the project. The best thing is: Even in the minimized view, important information like the item description, total, status, and the item folder can be accessed at all times.
- Flexible job management with Plunet: The innovations in the Plunet workflow will delight project managers in particular. With its flexible list view, Plunet 5.3 now makes it possible to quickly handle a number of jobs at the same time. For example, project managers can now select the resources for all of the jobs in a project/workflow in a single step, or they can simultaneously set and change the start and finish dates for all jobs. All of the project files in various jobs can now be accessed simultaneously for efficient file handling. In addition, color coding clearly shows the current status of jobs so that important status information can be determined quickly and without confusion.
- Workflow automation in Version 5.3: Plunet also has some pleasant surprises in store in the area of flexible, user-friendly workflow automation. With its new job list view, version 5.3 offers an improved structure and clear, well organized presentation of information, even for managing complex workflows. The various workflows can be managed and monitored transparently and easily in a single view. Additional automation functions, such as automatic starting of follow-up jobs, as well as partial and final deliveries, are also provided as new features.
- Integration of context-sensitive hover menus increases the flexibility and usability of Plunet project management: Context-sensitive hover menus are a major new innovation that contributes greatly to optimizing Plunet’s usability and allowing project managers to work in flexible ways. Hover menus are space-saving overlay Windows that appear when the mouse is moved over an area – a cutting-edge Web technology. These menus make it possible to easily and flexibly copy, move, and paste items in quotations, orders, and invoices.
- Plunet 5.3 – Always knowing where you are: Plunet 5.3 systematically supports intuitive, user-friendly navigation between its various program areas. For example, in the third menu level the area in which the user is currently working is now automatically highlighted. When the user moves onto the next step in the project, the colored highlighting of the menu automatically moves to the new area. In this way, users keep their focus and can see where they are at any given time.
- Time-saving communication with Plunet: Context-sensitive hover menus are also put to good use in Plunet’s resource management functions so that communication with all internal and external resources is always dynamic and efficient. With hover menus, the data on file for given resources can be accessed and updated quickly and conveniently. Direct communications actions such as sending e-mails, making Skype calls or entering chat areas, as well as group actions (group chat, Skype conference, group e-mails, etc.) can be initiated and managed with complete ease.
- Optimized price lists for flexible quote and order management: Plunet price lists have been redesigned in important ways to achieve greater user friendliness and flexibility. For example, it is now possible to define basic prices for language pairs, to which the price units for fuzzy match ranges can be assigned with various weightings. In this way, TM analyses can be used to easily calculate weighted quantities. Another new function is the assignment of properties for language pairs and price lists. These freely definable properties support efficient searching for resources with a high level of detail and the automatic suggestion of correct price lists, for example. In addition, the new user-friendly properties make it possible to create and use customized price lists for virtually any given situation.
+++ Creating multiple quote versions +++ memoQManager pool jobs +++ Time sheet with new weekly view +++ SDL TRADOS Studio integration +++ New resource status: qualified/disqualified +++ Rejected offers in the dashboard +++ PDF creation with OpenOffice +++ Customer cumulative volume discount +++ Deactivating automatic system e-mails +++ Volume factor in project +++ New reports and queries +++