The summer is getting hot! With the new update of the Plunet BusinessManager, the world’s leading business and translation management system for the translation industry, Plunet offers new outstanding functions and enhancements.
- Requests and registrations from prospective customers can now directly be started from corporate web pages of translation agencies. The request and registration (and quotation) dialogue is connected with the respective Plunet BusinessManager system and can be adapted easily to the corporate webpage. After entering the necessary information prospective customers automatically receive their login details. Afterwards, they are able to enter a request. Customer consultants can capitalize on the simplified and accelerated request- and prospect-process. Positive side effect: During the initial contact via the corporate homepage a standardized and professional corporate appearance is supported.
- The status and finance reports of the Plunet BusinessManager also have been upgraded. Now, within the order section, it is possible to search for job and project types, as well as text modules. Moreover, resource costs (i.e. translators or lecturers) of found jobs can be summed up, analyzed and displayed graphically. Status reports for outgoing invoices, gross profit and price can be filtered according to the purpose of the project, the order number of the customer and self defined text modules. Last but not least the status reports for incoming invoices have been extended towards filtering bank statements and text modules. Text modules are fully customizable fields with self-created values.
- Especially the area of well known and manifold business management functions has been developed and updated in Version 4.4, offering advantages for all users – from project- to top-management. In future, all accountable orders of a selected customer can be combined to a collective invoice. This new automated feature allows significant time reduction for LSPs with high order numbers and diversified customer structures.
Besides the mentioned features, the Plunet BusinessManager offers further useful developments and improvements, which we are looking forward to present our prospects at forthcoming conferences. Feel free to contact us.