On June 1-2, 2017, the first international Plunet user conference, the “Plunet Summit”, took place in Berlin. Over two intriguing days, 150 customers, technology partners and Plunet experts shared their experiences and ways of working, with a focus on Plunet and successful translation management. Along with some fascinating best practice presentations by Plunet users and inspiring panel discussions, the open discussion rounds and lively networking were an outstanding element of the Summit. The Plunet workshops and a variety of presentations about strategic and technical industry topics topped off a successful conference program. One particularly colorful highlight was the Summit charity campaign. For every fingernail painted Plunet-blue at the Summit, Plunet donated 1€ to a school project in Ethiopia. A total of 847.70€ was raised for new blackboards, tables and chairs for the children. A big thank you to everyone who took part! The presentation slides are available on Slideshare.
This was the Plunet Summit 2017
This was the Plunet Summit 2017
Quotes from the Plunet Summit Evaluation Survey, 06/2017
“Thank you for this opportunity to gain detailed insights regarding a number of topics relevant to our daily business. Also a great networking event in a beautiful location!” “A great summit where you can meet other LSPs that are on the same page as you regarding project and translation management.” “I came with a few doubts, learnt a lot and came back with so many more doubts about our business. As a R&D manager this is exactly what I need to help my company develop.” “Great summit. As an advanced user of Plunet, even I managed to learn some new tricks.” “Many thanks to the Plunet team for an unforgettable event with interesting workshops, great entertainment and stimulating discussions. You were fantastic hosts! I would gladly come again.”