Berlin/Würzburg, 14.12.2017 – Plunet, the leading provider of business and translation management software, has welcomed seven new team members in 2017. Plunet has significantly expanded this year with new hires in the IT Development, Business Development, HR, Marketing and Accounting departments. In this way, Plunet has reacted to a continual increase in clients and the high demand for an efficient system for planning, controlling and processing translation and localization projects.
Fresh impulse in interface development
The API team in Würzburg has gained another young specialist in Joshua Smolka. The computer scientist is responsible for the implementation of API requirements for the translation management software Plunet BusinessManager. The API gives Plunet clients the option of developing their own bidirectional applications and enhancements to Plunet BusinessManager. This underlines Plunet’s flexibility regarding clients’ workflows and the focus on the compatibility of the core product with other systems.
Internationalization of the sales team
Two new hires have strengthened the Business Development team with their international consultation and sales expertise. Tuong Vi Bui studied Economics, with a focus on East Asia and Europe, in Germany, Sweden, and China, and gained valuable work experience in South-East Asia. She now uses this experience to acquire and support Asian and European clients in German, English, Vietnamese and Chinese. Belgian-born Simon van Renterghem’s position as Business Development Manager for the economic division of the region of Flanders took him first to Berlin and then to Plunet. The graduate in linguistics and economics has advised prospective clients at trade fairs and conferences in five languages (German, English, Dutch, French and Russian). In addition, he regularly holds webinars for new and existing clients.
Increase in staff thanks to HR expansion
Plunet’s HR department has also grown this year. After completing his degree in psychology, Christoph Heydenbluth’s career path first took him to the international personnel recruitment agency Hays and, since spring 2017, to Plunet. As HR Manager, Christoph has been responsible for recruiting, personnel marketing and internal employee development at Plunet. This has already paid off for Plunet with several successful new hires this year.
2018: Focus on innovation
Plunet has also gained experienced new team members in other departments: Awazeh Khoshnam (Content) and Kira Chow (Design) in Marketing as well as Ricarda Moses in Accounting. With the continual growth of a team of experienced and creative staff, Plunet aims to set new thematic and technical impulses in 2018. This will contribute to the overall development of the international company and help to strengthen its market-leading position and innovation capacity.