Alpha Translations Canada Inc. is a Canadian-based company, offering translation services to companies spanning the globe. We specialize in providing top quality translations in the fields of law, finance and investments, marketing, real estate, patents, software and engineering. Alpha Translations Canada Inc. was established in June of 1994 by Michèle Hecken, herself an accredited translator and interpreter. The fact that Alpha Translations Canada Inc. is today a bilingual company with a large customer base in Europe can be attributed to Michèle’s German roots. Our customers include top international law firms, banks and investment companies as well as Fortune 500 companies around the globe. What sets Alpha Translations apart is the customer-centric Overnight Service. Our advantage is our ability to provide translation services to European clients overnight. After the European work day is finished the Canadian work day begins. Over the course of the last decade, the company has experienced exponential growth. The overnight service, German-speaking project managers, strong customer relationships, and our AlphaPoints bonus program are just some of the factors that have contributed to this growth. The Projects Team is committed to development and progress and each member keeps abreast of industry developments and trends. New tools and technologies are indispensible, especially when the workload grows and tight deadlines have to be considered.
Alpha Translations Canada Inc. has experienced significant progress due to the introduction of the Plunet BusinessManager. This tool makes facing day-to-day challenges in project management significantly easier. Customer-specific data, translator information, and pricing are now stored centrally, which enables us to control our processes more directly. Plunet BusinessManager enables us to save precious processing time and to guarantee an even faster turnaround time. Not only Alpha Translations Canada Inc. can benefit from Plunet BusinessManager. Our customers also appreciate the on-time and smooth delivery of high-quality translations.
We can no longer imagine doing our project management without Plunet.