New look! New features! Reliable strengths! Plunet releases the completely revised Version 5.0 of its popular business and translation management system “Plunet BusinessManager" for the translation industry. In addition to a new, more user-friendly interface, this version features a variety of valuable functions and improvements. Favoring a sneak preview?
Mastering your processes? Project management features in Plunet 5.0! The management of smooth translation workflows no longer simply consists of going through the motions and dealing with a sequence of production processes. Plunet increases your efficiency, flexibility and quality in all business processes, enabling you to make significant time and cost savings. Among other things, Version 5.0 offers faster and a consistent creation and management of your price lists thanks to the use of language-related factors and price scales. This guarantees your company access to an excellent management and controlling tool, which enables you to achieve the profit margins you envision.
Selling Translations? Extended CRM functions in Plunet 5.0! Plunet BusinessManager is a complete business solution, which supports the day-to-day work of your sales team in a targeted and lasting way. This ensures to create and evaluate revenue forecasts and order probabilities from potential and existing customers. Furthermore, you can take advantage of the well-known ABC analysis for a profit-related categorization of your customers. The manifold features of Plunet CRM will help you in target-oriented planning, implementation and monitoring of your sales and marketing goals.
Time is on your side! Time tracking with Plunet 5.0! The new Plunet method of managing working hours enables you to record and track working hours in a quick and convenient way for projects, individual assignments as well as other tasks. Morevover, bills invoiced by hour can easily be issued for individual employees and periods worked. And there is even more! If you put prices against the respective working hours, these are then automatically fed into the gross profit calculations of your offers, assignments and enquiries. Hence working hours are tracked in one system, you do not have to think of clicking here and there, which is cumbersome and time consuming. It is easy to use via an intuitive control panel, which is seamlessly embedded in Plunet, and is available for all customers at no additional cost.
Independent, yet still linked. Various company code cycles with Plunet 5.0!Different company code cycles can now be managed in Plunet BusinessManager. This function is ideal for a decentralized company group or translation service providers with several branches, which require their own billing systems. Companies who have to market and invoice for their services separately (e.g. translating, interpreting, language school) also benefit from this solution. It is a standard feature and is offered without any extra costs for Plunet customers.
+++ Set up new resources in the system with one click +++ import SDL Trados Studio 2009 analyses +++ assess resources +++ dynamic memoQ interface +++ alternative login screen for customer websites +++ multiple upload of any file number +++ income and expenditure accounts for billing section +++ even more productivity and finance reports +++ new Salesforce interface +++