Revolutionary new automatic workflow routines, individual user-specific queries, along with an array of customer-oriented improvements and innovations in all system areas. Plunet BusinessManager 5.4 provides a complete solution for the efficient management of translation projects and the professional operation of translation companies and in-house translation departments.
The latest innovations at a glance:
- Manual/automatic workflow: The intelligent Plunet workflow automation enables the optimization of entire workflow chains and their efficient controlling and monitoring. From Version 5.4, the Project manager can conveniently click on a MANUAL<>AUTO button to select whether the jobs in the workflow chains are to run manually, partially automatically or fully automatically. With a fully automated workflow, upon completion of the previous job, the follow-up job is launched automatically, and the job status is updated. The resource designated for the follow-up job is notified by a system generated e-mail, containing instructions to start working and allowing access to the relevant job data. Plunet's solution for the automation and standardization of redundant translation processes makes life easier for project managers in their daily routine. This leads to shorter project lead times, quicker time-to-market, greater process reliability, and boosts the productivity of translation companies.
- Job chains: To provide a better overview, in addition to the list view, the jobs/workflows of an item are additionally displayed as an editable flow chart in Plunet. The user-friendly display has now been enhanced with helpful color coding of language-independent jobs. Language-independent jobs, such as project management or file preparation, that apply to all items of an order regardless of the language direction, are now easier for the project manager to identify in the workflow view. This guarantees the highest level of clarity and user-friendliness, even with sophisticated workflow chains.
- An offer you can't refuse! Review and approval of quotes in Plunet 5.4: Professional quote management includes the diligent review and approval of quotes. Plunet now introduces the option of a standardized multi-person review policy. Starting with Plunet 5.4, a minimum quote price can be specified, above which quotes are automatically submitted to selected employees for review. They receive an e-mail generated by the system, requiring their review and approval. Automatic quote review can also be performed on a customer-specific basis. For particular customers, it may be quite appropriate to set up an additional level of control prior to submitting quotes. So Plunet users are definitely on the safe side with Version 5.4.
- myReports – save your own queries and reports in Plunet 5.4: The flexible and system-wide queries and reports have been one of the Plunet BusinessManager's key features from the beginning. In this manner, project managers and managing directors receive essential information about the business performance of their company and its individual segments as an indispensable basis for professional activity assessment and responsible decision making. From cash flow reports, sales and gross profit queries, right down to detailed analysis of individual customers, resources and types of services – the Plunet Reports are a magnifying glass and compass all in one. With Version 5.4, Plunet enables its customers to build individual queries within a flexible context menu and save them as templates for future use. The main advantage is that frequently-used queries and reports can now be retrieved with one click. You need to define the relevant parameters such as time period, type of service, customer, etc. only once when creating the original query. That saves lots of time and leads to a noticeable improvement in the user-friendliness of Plunet queries, which is a bottom-line benefit to all Plunet customers.
+++ automated check routines for database optimization +++ new find duplicate entries function +++ set properties in project as mandatory fields +++ obtain exchange rates automatically from the ECB or Yahoo Finance +++ assign resource budget +++ text modules in e-mail signatures +++ minimum price +++ automatic document versioning +++