You have decided to manage your business and translation management processes in the future with Plunet BusinessManager. What can you expect now?
In our three-part blog series on the implementation process at Plunet, we want to present the individual steps that are required to start working successfully with Plunet BusinessManager. The implementation plan and duration may vary from case to case because it is our aim to meet individual needs and requirements.
We take a close look at your work processes and goals to ensure that our customers can always exploit the full potential of the software. In this way, we can offer you tailor-made training sessions and configure the software according to your needs.
In the first phase, it is important to lay the foundations for the upcoming training units. You can find out what the first steps are and what they actually involve here:
1. Kick-off meeting
You will get to know your Implementation Specialist in an initial kick-off meeting. She will tell you what to expect, answer your questions, and draw up a schedule based on your individual requirements.
- Meeting and first talk with your Implementation Specialist
2. Software installation
In the next step, one of our Support team members will contact you and tell you which hardware and software you need to get started. Once all the details have been clarified, the Support team member will arrange an appointment with you for the installation. If you are hosting the software yourself, the installation will take place via TeamViewer during an online meeting. If Plunet hosts the software, then we will inform you as soon as the system is available. You can use our fictional user Paul Leiter for the first login.
- Consultation on hardware and software requirements
- Installation of the software via TeamViewer
- First login to the system
3. Data import
For the next steps, we will send you some templates for the data import. We will provide you with further information and arrange an additional meeting so that you can easily convert the data from your database (customers, staff/translators) into the format of the import templates and send them back to us. Plunet will take care of the rest, converting and importing the database templates. The most important preparations for the start of the second phase have now been made.
- Providing the database templates
- Adjusting the data to the template format
- Converting the database templates and import
In the second part of our series, you will find out what to expect from the admin training units in the next phase. The last part will be about the final phase of the implementation including intensive user training units, and the go-live.